Your Compulsive Eating

You Hate The Way You Look And Feel

You’ve tried everything: paleo, keto, raw food, diet pills, calorie counting and punishing workouts. Yet, you’re still overweight.

You’re feeling disappointed and frustrated with yourself.

You’re exhausted and exasperated from trying to fix it yourself, and failing.

You feel ashamed by how much you weigh, and you keep it a secret.

You feel stuck with being overweight.

You’re know how much your compulsive eating is getting you down.

You’re desperate to lose weight and be your ideal weight.

You long to feel good in clothes and to not feel self-conscious and embarrassed by how you look.

Unable to stop your addictive eating, you feel life is on hold and blighted by how you look, feel and eat.

You feel consumed by your compulsive overeating, you feel alone with your problem, powerless to resolve it, and you want to be set free from constantly harming your health.

I can help.

Join me, and finally reach your ideal weight, with ease.

The missing bit in all popular diets is the profound impact your subconscious mind has upon your binge eating, addictive eating and compulsive overeating.

Your subconscious is mightily powerful and operates below your level of awareness. You’re simply not aware of how your subconscious governs your addictive, unhealthy, compulsive eating.

I'm A Specialist in Rapid Transformational Therapy and coaching (RTT)

I transform unhealthy eating from the inside out.

My transformative therapy and coaching are driven by brain science, transformational psychology and hypnotherapy. I use powerful therapeutic tools, and breakthrough coaching techniques.  

I focus on changing the root cause of your addictive and compuls

The REAL SOLUTION is to look inside yourself to resolve the root cause of why you have an unhealthy relationship with food.
For example, why you're addicted to certain food types and compulsively overeating

Popular Diets Do Not Work

The Truth Is - Popular Diets Do Not Work

Think about it for a moment...If diets worked, we would only ever need to go on one diet once in our lifetime.

But that’s not the case.

The truth is that diets FAIL many people.

What’s worse is that they make YOU feel like a failure, not the other way around.

“If dieting really worked, then the entire dieting industry would tank overnight.”

Alisa Ramsey, Registered Dietician


According to the British Medical Journal (2020) popular diets simply don't work for many people. More accurately, they’re modestly effective for a while, but after a year or so the benefits are largely gone.

The American Psychological Society’s journal (2007) confirmed that -

 “diets do not lead to sustained weight loss or health benefits for the majority of people.”

According to the eating disorder charity BEAT -

“88% of people with eating and weight loss problems have an unhealthy emotional relationship with food.”

A further 85% of people comfort eat because they have a negative body image.

Emotional eaters use food to soothe unhappy feelings and to temporarily solve anger, loneliness, and unhappiness. WHY? Because eating temporarily switches them off from their negative emotions.

This is why transformational approach first addresses your feelings so you get the results you’ve always wanted

I'm A Specialist In - Rapid Transformational Therapy And Coaching (RTT).

I transform overeating from the inside out.

Rapid Transformational Therapy and coaching (RTT) are driven by brain science, transformational psychology and hypnotherapy. I use powerful therapeutic tools, and breakthrough coaching techniques.

RTT can reveal the root cause of your addictive and compulsive overeating. It doesn't waste time on just focussing on your behaviour, for eg - binge eating, compulsive overeating.

By revealing and healing the underlying reasons for your harmful eating you can control your eating permanently and lose weight safely.

The REAL SOLUTION to your addictive eating is to look inside yourself to resolve the root cause of your problem. When you crack the root cause, you’ll hit your ideal weight quickly, and you’ll maintain your new weight effortlessly.

I Can Help You Lose Weight, For Good

The truth is - popular diets don’t work.  

If they did you would be your ideal weight

The real solution is to look inside yourself to reveal the root cause of why you are addicted to certain food types and overeating

I'm a Specialist in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)

I will enable you to transform your unhealthy eating from the inside out.

My approach is RTT. It is driven 100% by modern brain science, transformational psychology and hypnotherapy. It uses powerful therapeutic tools, and breakthrough coaching techniques.

RTT is truly transformational when dealing with people who have unhealthy eating habits, food addictions etc. 

RTT can have a profound, all-pervasive and positive impact upon you, your overeating and becoming your ideal weight.

RTT can set you FREE from your binge eating, addictive eating, compulsive overeating and unhealthy relationship with food.

RTT can increase your metabolic rate while changing your weight, shape, size, and relationship with food. Isn’t that what we all want?

RTT can address the real challenges of weight loss: losing it and sustaining the weight loss, consistent healthy choices, being in full control when around food, and improving your metabolic function—all without the need to follow a punishing diet.

RTT can reveal and heal the root cause of your compulsive overeating, sensitively.

RTT can erase and eradicate old limiting beliefs that have kept you TRAPPED in a habit of compulsive, unhealthy eating.

RTT can get you to your ideal weight, safely.

RTT can maintain your ideal weight, indefinitely.

RTT can set you FREE from non-stop eating that’s harming your health, forever.

RTT can change your relationship with food so you can make better food choices, for life.

RTT can increase your metabolism so you’re able to burn more calories, effortlessly.

RTT can help reduce potential risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, joint pain, respiratory problems, sleeping problems and wellbeing problems.

RTT can increase your self-worth and confidence so you can live with confidence, easily.

RTT can rewire your brain with powerful thoughts and feelings enabling you to live the life you want! feeling happy, healthy, confident.

RTT can equip you with brain-based tools keeping you a healthy eater, happy and full of self confidence

By addressing the underlying reasons for your harmful, unhealthy eating you can confidently control your eating permanently and lose weight safely.

When you crack the root cause, you’ll hit your ideal weight quickly, and you’ll maintain your new weight effortlessly.

Learn More about THE BRAIN SCIENCE that underpins RTT - CLICK HERE 


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I finally free free from the burden food had over me

Brett Peterson

I finally free free from the burden food had over me

Brett Peterson

Actually gets results fast. I love it!!

Houda Alkalla

Actually gets results fast. I love it!!

Houda Alkalla